Simply put, at GCC we believe that being together is better than being alone! We demonstrate that by growing in faith through authentic relationships with others. God has called each of us to do life with, and for, one another.
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the Word of Truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15
Sunday Mornings @ 10am
Join us any time! Our classes are multi-generational and open to all adults.
Book of Daniel | Mike Burton | Stage 2/Room 110
Intro To The Gospels | Todd Creech | Room 108
Book of Romans | Joe Wilson | Room 201
Luke in the Land by Kristi McLelland | Shelly Sutton | Room 202
History of Christianity| Glenn Emery | Room 204
Need more information or help finding the right fit? Contact Seth Lawson.
MIDweek Lifegroups | Wednesdays @ 6:30PM
Join us on Wednesday night for a family meal at 5:45P in the gym. Donations are welcome to contribute toward the meal cost but not mandatory. Afterward dinner, join a LIFEGroups class. There are classes for all ages offered from 6:30P-7:30P. Children's check-in will begin at 6:20P at the Children's Desk. Please walk your child upstairs.
Classes Offered:
Room 202: Twelve Women of the Bible
Room 203: Jesus 101: Fundamentals
Room 204: History of Christianity
Go to our Events page for class descriptions.
Youth: 6th - 12th grades
Children's Ministry: 3mo. - 5th grade
If you have questions about LIFEGroups or about what to choose when we have classes available, please contact Seth Lawson.
Men’s Fellowship | Saturdays | 8:30am | Stage 2
The Men’s Fellowship LifeGroup exists to develop men of faith to carry on the work of the Kingdom. All men are welcome every Saturday at 8:30am in the Stage 2 Room. Come Hungry! We will serve breakfast!
Contact Todd Creech for more information or to get involved!
Lord’s Ladies | 2nd Tuesdays @ 6:30pm | High School Room
The Lord’s Ladies Women’s Ministry LifeGroup is designed to meet the complex needs of today’s woman by providing encouragement, strength, prayer, and guidance. Our goal is to empower women of all ages for service opportunities and ministering to the needs of our Church Family and the community around us; to encourage women to develop their God-given potential as a woman of God and to grow their relationship with the Lord. As women grow and mature in godliness, they are better equipped to nurture and serve in their families, to enrich the church, to evangelize their communities, and disciple women to Christ.
Contact Karen Short for more information or to get involved!
Home Connections
This new ministry seeks to serve our elderly who are not able, temporarily or long-term, to physically participate in church life. They visit, encourage, celebrate birthdays, and so much more. Shut-in’s need the connection of church family and this is a great way to serve.
Contact Karen Short for more information or to get involved!
Senior Adults
We have a vibrant and active Senior Adult community here at Gateway!
1) We have an “Adult Day Out Ministry” that strives to plan 1 outing per month, traveling by bus, to go an adventure together! We enjoy fellowship, meals, and tours. Once to twice a year we plan overnight adventures lasting anywhere from 2-5 nights!
2) We have a “Shine Like Stars” Ministry that plans game nights, fellowship, and a once a year “Birthday Bash” for all seniors interested! Shine Like Stars has a “Soup’N’More” ministry every Jan-Feb to serve soup to shut-ins. This ministry is looking for new leaders to take over.
3) “Silver Sneakers” keeps our senior adults active and in shape!
To check out events or ways to get involved, please click the link below.